Center for the Defence of the Individual - AP 727/06 - Nofal at el. v. The Minister of the Interior et al. Petition for Order Nisi
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24.07.2006|Court Documents|Administrative Petition

AP 727/06 - Nofal at el. v. The Minister of the Interior et al. Petition for Order Nisi

Petition by HaMoked to approve a family unification request of a resident of Israel and her husband and two daughters. The appellant has six children. Her youngest daughter was born in Jerusalem and is a permanent resident, and three of her other children were granted temporary residency for two years. The petition relates to her two eldest daughters and her husband. The appellants claim that changes to the law permit granting status to one of the girls, and the eldest girl's status should be legalized by virtue of the Minister of Interior's authority to grant status for humanitarian reasons, so that she has equal legal status to her siblings. As part of the hearing on the petition, the Ministry of Interior adopted a procedure for processing requests to register children.