Center for the Defence of the Individual - Secret Detention Facility 1391: HaMoked files an application under the Freedom of Information Law for information concerning activity in the Facility
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Secret Prison Facility 1391

Secret Detention Facility 1391: HaMoked files an application under the Freedom of Information Law for information concerning activity in the Facility

In January 2011, the High Court of Justice (HCJ) rejected a petition filed by HaMoked back in 2003 for the immediate closure of a secret detention facility known as Facility 1391. The court thus legitimized the operation of the Facility, used mainly for the incarceration and interrogation of foreign nationals, Arabs and Muslim.

The existence of the secret facility was exposed by HaMoked in 2003, in the course of an attempt to trace the whereabouts of unaccounted Palestinian detainees. In the framework of HaMoked’s habeas corpus petitions to the HCJ on behalf of the missing detainees, the state had to admit that the detainees were held at a secret facility. The testimonies of people who had been held at the Facility painted a grim picture of use of illegal interrogation methods, torture and harsh prison conditions.

Throughout the years, HaMoked has continued to monitor the Facility’s use. Recently HaMoked sent the military an application under the Freedom of Information Law concerning the incarceration in the Facility, as well as in any other secret facilities inside Israel, during the years 2015-2016. HaMoked asked whether people had been kept – or were being kept – at the Facility in that period, and if so, how many and for what periods of time. HaMoked also asked for information about the Facility’s current protocols and the conditions of detention there, and similarly with regard to other possible secret facilities operating inside Israel, now or in the past.