Center for the Defence of the Individual - AP (Jerusalem) 413/03 - Alsadeh et al. v. Director, Population Administration Office in East Jerusalem
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חזרה לעמוד הקודם
26.01.2003|Court Documents|Administrative Petition

AP (Jerusalem) 413/03 - Alsadeh et al. v. Director, Population Administration Office in East Jerusalem

Petition by HaMoked to grant an A/5 temporary residence visa to the husband of an Israeli resident. The couple married in 1991, and since then, the center of their life has been in Jerusalem. Since 1994, they have lived in the Jerusalem’s Issawiyya neighborhood. In 1994, the couple submitted a request for family unification, but because of foot-dragging by the respondent, the petitioner was not granted temporary resident status, to which he was entitled in January 2002, based on the graduated procedure, and although he met all the relevant requirements. On 12 May 2002, the government decided to freeze the handling of pending family unification requests, and not to upgrade residency status in pending cases. As a result, the petitioner was left without a legal status in Israel, without social rights, and at risk of detention and deportation.


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