Center for the Defence of the Individual - Procedure for Handling Applications by Gaza Strip Residents for Settlement in the Judea and Samaria Area (Published: August 2013)
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Procedure for Handling Applications by Gaza Strip Residents for Settlement in the Judea and Samaria Area (Published: August 2013)

Updated procedure of the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories for handling applications by Gaza Strip residents for settlement in the West Bank, presented following the Court's recommendations in HCJ 2088/10. The updated procedure states, among other things, that in cases of exceptional humanitarian circumstances, requests by second degree relatives of West Bank residents will also be reviewed. In addition, the procedure states that Palestinians whose registered address is in Gaza, who moved to the West Bank before September 12, 2005, can request the procedure for the approval of their "settlement" request be shortened, so long as they have held stay permits in the West Bank for three years at least.