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Punitive house demolitions

Israel has demolished the homes of Palestinians suspected or convicted of attacks against Israelis since 1967. This extreme sanction is implemented pursuant to Regulation 119 of the Defense (Emergency) Regulations, which date back to the British Mandate. The Regulation allows the military to demolish a home based solely on suspicions that an offense had been committed. Israel claims demolitions...

House demolitions are a cruel measure that defies international law, which prohibits collective punishment. It also contravenes a fundamental tenet of Israeli law, whereby no person is punished for actions other than their own. House demolitions do not replace criminal punishment but come as an addition to it, and its principle victims are not the alleged offenders, who are often killed in the act or arrested, tried and jailed, but the people living in the demolished home. 

Punitive house demolitions are usually carried out as a full or partial destruction of a building using explosives or mechanical equipment, or alternatively, a full or partial sealing of the building with concrete. Sealing with concrete is equivalent to demolition since it is irreversible. This measure is generally used when demolishing the residential unit of the perpetrator and their family is structurally unfeasible without damaging other parts of the building where other families live. Confiscating and sealing the openings of a structure in a manner that can be reversed in the future is another, less severe and rarer measure.

Over the years, hundreds of petitions have been submitted to the High Court of Justice (HCJ) in an attempt to prevent house demolitions following attacks, most of them by HaMoked: Center for the Defence of the Individual. More often than not, the HCJ declines to intervene in the military’s decision and refrains from stopping demolitions. Its decisions focus on questions such as proportionality - for instance, is a full demolition the appropriate measure or should a partial demolition or sealing be considered? The court rarely addresses the difficult constitutional, moral and practical questions the policy raises.

This timeline exposes the arbitrary changes Israel has made to its house demolition policy, as if the OPT were a testing ground for deterrence and punishment methods, where Palestinians’ human rights are nothing more than a pawn in the hands of the military. HaMoked laments the fact that the HCJ serves as a fig leaf for Israel’s actions and gives its seal of approval to the harm inflicted on residents of the OPT and the violation of international law.

- ציר זמן
Punitive house demolitions

Israel has demolished the homes of Palestinians suspected or convicted of attacks against Israelis since 1967. This extreme sanction is implemented pursuant to Regulation 119 of the Defense (Emergency) Regulations, which date back to the British Mandate. The Regulation allows the military to demolish a home based solely on suspicions that an offense had been committed. Israel claims demolitions are essential for deterring would-be attackers. In reality, the practice constitutes an official policy of harming the innocent with highly questionable efficacy. 

House demolitions are a cruel measure that defies international law, which prohibits collective punishment. It also contravenes a fundamental tenet of Israeli law, whereby no person is punished for actions other than their own. House demolitions do not replace criminal punishment but come as an addition to it, and its principle victims are not the alleged offenders, who are often killed in the act or arrested, tried and jailed, but the people living in the demolished home. 

Punitive house demolitions are usually carried out as a full or partial destruction of a building using explosives or mechanical equipment, or alternatively, a full or partial sealing of the building with concrete. Sealing with concrete is equivalent to demolition since it is irreversible. This measure is generally used when demolishing the residential unit of the perpetrator and their family is structurally unfeasible without damaging other parts of the building where other families live. Confiscating and sealing the openings of a structure in a manner that can be reversed in the future is another, less severe and rarer measure.

Over the years, hundreds of petitions have been submitted to the High Court of Justice (HCJ) in an attempt to prevent house demolitions following attacks, most of them by HaMoked: Center for the Defence of the Individual. More often than not, the HCJ declines to intervene in the military’s decision and refrains from stopping demolitions. Its decisions focus on questions such as proportionality - for instance, is a full demolition the appropriate measure or should a partial demolition or sealing be considered? The court rarely addresses the difficult constitutional, moral and practical questions the policy raises.

This timeline exposes the arbitrary changes Israel has made to its house demolition policy, as if the OPT were a testing ground for deterrence and punishment methods, where Palestinians’ human rights are nothing more than a pawn in the hands of the military. HaMoked laments the fact that the HCJ serves as a fig leaf for Israel’s actions and gives its seal of approval to the harm inflicted on residents of the OPT and the violation of international law.

British Mandate authorities enact the Defense (Emergency) Regulations

The Defense (Emergency) Regulations are promulgated by virtue of Article 6 of the Palestine (Defence) Order-in-Council 1937[MJ1] , which empowers the High Commissioner to make regulations that, according to his “unfettered discretion” are necessary for the “maintenance of public order and the suppression of mutiny, rebellion and riot, and for maintaining supplies and services essential to the life of the community.”

Regulation 119 of the Defense (Emergency) Regulations states that a house may be forfeited and demolished if there is reason to suspect it was used in the commission of an offense involving violence or intimidation or if any of its inhabitants were involved in the commission of such an offense. The draconian provision, which appears in Part XII of the Regulations, entitled Miscellaneous Penal Provisions, allows demolishing not just the suspect’s home, but the homes of his relatives, neighbors and other residents of the locality where he lives. 

Mandate authorities used the regulations against Jews [H] and Arabs [H] alike, naturally drawing fierce opposition and resentment in both sectors of the population. 

Shortly before the end of the Mandate, the British Parliament passes a law revoking Mandate-era legislation in Palestine, including the Defence (Emergency) Regulations, once the Mandate ends. 

 [MJ1]הלינק לא עובד

Israel adopts the Mandate-era Defense (Emergency) Regulations pursuant to the Law and Administration Ordinance, 5708-1948

Section 11 of the Ordinance stipulates: “The law which existed in Palestine on 5 Iyar, 5708 (14 May 1948) shall remain in force, insofar as there is nothing therein repugnant to this Ordinance or to the other laws which may be enacted by or on behalf of the Provisional Council of State, and subject to such modifications as may result from the establishment of the State and its authorities.”

Israel contends that the revocation of the Mandate-era Defense (Emergency) Regulations was never published in the official Palestine Gazette, and, therefore, constituted “secret law,” as defined in Section 11 of the Ordinance: a law that “is not and never has been valid.” 

The adoption of the Defence (Emergency) Regulations into Israeli domestic law enables exercising the power to confiscate and demolish homes everywhere in the country. In practice, however, the power is not invoked inside Israel but only in the territories it seized in 1967.

The Fourth Geneva Convention is signed, prohibiting collective punishment and stating house demolitions for purposes other than military needs are a war crime

Article 53 of the Convention states that an occupying power may not destroy homes or other property “except where such destruction is rendered absolutely necessary by military operations.” Article 33 states: “No protected person may be punished for an offence he or she has not personally committed. Collective penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are prohibited […] Reprisals against protected persons and their property are prohibited.” 

The State of Israel ratified the Convention on July 6, 1951.

The military issues a proclamation applying the Defense (Emergency) Regulations to the OPT

Section 2 of the Proclamation Regarding Regulation of Administration and Law (West Bank Area) (No. 2), 5777-1967 states that the law that existed in the West Bank prior to Israel’s occupation will remain in force. Another proclamation, with identical content, is issued for the Gaza Strip.

Over the years, the HCJ rejects claims that the Defence (Emergency) Regulations do not apply in the West Bank by virtue of the Proclamation, given their revocation in the Jordanian constitution in 1952. The court holds that the regulations apply in the West Bank by virtue of the Jordanian Military Governor’s Order, which left the Mandate-era legislation intact. With respect to the Gaza Strip, the HCJ noted that “No substantive change in the local law has occurred in the Gaza Strip since the period of the Mandate, so no claim has ever been raised against the continuing validity of the above-noted Defence (Emergency) Regulations in general, and of Regulation 119 in particular, there.” 

First evidence of punitive demolitions in the OPT: The military blasts eight homes in the Gaza Strip

A “secret” document authored by a Foreign Ministry official on June 15, 1967, indicates the demolition of the houses was considered a means of collective punishment against their residents. A mine intended to harm Israeli soldiers had been hidden near the homes, with tracks leading to them. However, there was no proof the person who laid the mines lived in any of these homes.

The military punitively demolishes or seals more than 1,300 homes in the OPT from the beginning of the occupation until the first intifada

The houses are usually destroyed or sealed in the dead of night, with no proof of guilt. About 1,000 of the houses are demolished in the first five years after the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. 

B’Tselem report, September 1989, p. 11; Al-Haq report, 2003, p. 7.

The UN Human Rights Council calls on Israel to desist from demolishing the homes of Palestinians in the OPT

Following a New York Times report about punitive home demolitions in East Jerusalem, the Human Rights Council passes a resolution, with a majority of 17 to one (Israel), expressing its displeasure with home demolitions in the OPT to the Israeli government. The US abstains, but its representative on the Council reads out a notice issued by the American State Department, stating the Fourth Geneva Convention applies to Israel’s actions in the OPT, including East Jerusalem.

See story in Davar newspaper, March 10, 1968 [H]


The legal advisor to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a classified legal opinion: punitive home demolitions in the OPT are a breach of international law

Following international criticism over Israel’s policy in the OPT, the director general of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs commissions a legal opinion on “Blasting Homes and Deportation”. The opinion, written by Theodore Meron, later a leading world expert on international law, determines, among other things, that using Regulation 119 to demolish Palestinian homes is a clear violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention. Meron also notes that the legal argument that domestic law overrides international law – used by the Military Advocate General to defend the home demolition policy – “is unpersuasive”.

Despite the clear determinations made in the opinion, it does not gain the attention of decision makers. On the contrary, it is filed away, fading from memory.
The ICRC condemns house demolitions in the OPT: Collective punishment of innocent people cannot be justified under any circumstances. Ministry of Foreign Affairs internal correspondence reveals Israel considers house demolitions a relatively mild punitive action that is necessary for deterrence

On December 2, 1968, the President of the ICRC sends a telegram to Israel’s Foreign Minister in which he protests a new spat of house demolitions carried out by the security forces in Nablus and Hebron in the final days of November. The ICRC president notes that acts of reprisal or collective punishment – such as house demolitions – are absolutely prohibited under the Fourth Geneva Convention, and demands the Israeli government intervene to stop the use of this illegal measure. 

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs avoids responding to the issue raised in the telegram, but internal correspondence [H] between the Israeli ambassador to Geneva and foreign ministry officials reveals Israel believes “house demolitions are unavoidable,” and considers it a “lighter punitive action compared to any other punitive act we would have had to use to deter hostile entities from committing acts of terrorism.”

Israel decides to reduce punitive home demolitions in the West Bank and end them in East Jerusalem

According to a letter entitled “House Demolition as Punitive Action” [H], sent to the deputy director-general of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on December 16, 1970: “In light of the reduction in terror activities in Judea and Samaria,” the Ministry of Defense had decided to reduce the use of punitive house demolitions. The basic policy remains – punishing active participation in hostile terrorist activity – but with the intent to follow the criteria more stringently. The penalty will be employed only for depositing explosives or weapons possession.” The letter further stated that the Committee for the Security of Jerusalem had decided “to adopt the same policy and refrain from blasting or demolishing homes,” given the “importance of maintaining quiet in the east [side] of the city.”

Internal Ministry of Foreign Affairs brief: Application of the Fourth Geneva Convention to the OPT could create complicated legal and political problems, including regarding house demolitions

The document [H], written ahead of a visit to Israel by a member of the ICRC Assembly Council, reviews the controversial issues the ICRC representative is expected to raise during his visit and asserts that Israel avoids applying the Fourth Geneva Convention to its actions in the OPT partly due to concern the ICRC would “interfere in matters we do not wish to be interfered with,” such as house demolitions. On this matter, the document says, the visitor must receive an explanation that “demolitions are carried out according to a law dating back to the British Mandate; and that Jordanian legislation in the West Bank and Egyptian legislation in the Gaza Strip also grant the authorities the power to demolish structures for reasons of security or defense. Our argument is that this punishment has a certain measure of warning power, especially as we avoid imposing the death penalty.”

HCJ sanctions punitive demolitions as a deterrent

In a constitutive judgment [H] on home demolitions, the HCJ finds that Regulation 119 of the Defence (Emergency) Regulations – being domestic law applicable in the OPT before the entry of the Israeli military – trumps provisions of international law instructing otherwise, and therefore, the military may use it to seal a room in a home, which was used by an OPT resident convicted of security offenses. On this issue, see also paragraph 6 of the opinion of President Shamgar in HCJ 897/86 [H]. The court also rules that since home demolitions are “an unusual sanction, the express purpose of which is deterrence against similar acts […] there is no flaw in the competent authority applying it to one person but not others.” 

Based on this laconic ruling and many other early HCJ decisions on punitive house demolitions, which produced case law without in-depth deliberation, hundreds of individual cases against the demolition or sealing of homes under Regulation 119 are dismissed.

HCJ: A criminal conviction is not a prerequisite for invoking Regulation 119, but the measure employed must be commensurate with the severity of the offense

The court rejects [H] a petition against the planned demolition of two homes of families whose members confessed to murder, but have yet to be convicted. The court rules that the military commander may use Regulation 119 without a criminal conviction and that the only pertinent question is whether a reasonable person would find the evidence sufficiently inculpatory. At the same time, the court does rule the Regulation may be used only in exceptional circumstances and following due discretion and diligent examination.

The court further states that the severity of the measure implemented pursuant to the Regulation (from confiscation alone to full demolition and anything in between) must correspond to the gravity of the act committed by the occupant. Complete demolition, the court rules, should only be undertaken in exceptional circumstances, such as the case at hand, “due to the threefold severity of a demolition: first, it may deprive the of a residence; second, it may be irreversible, and third, it may, at times, harm neighboring occupants.”

HCJ: House demolitions are not collective punishment

In a judgment [H] upholding the demolition of three homes in the West Bank, the court rules that Regulation 119 is aimed at deterring people around the offender, and does not constitute collective punishment. According to the justices, adopting an interpretation that precludes home demolitions when they may harm innocents would drain it of meaning, “leaving only the possibility of punishing a terrorist who lives alone in a home.”

During the first intifada, Israel demolishes or seals over 860 homes in the OPT

A decision to demolish a home is largely arbitrary. It lacks clear criteria and depends on the military commander on the ground. The military demolishes the homes of individuals suspected of actions that put the lives of Israeli soldiers or civilians at risk, and often also the homes of “suspected agitators,” individuals who forcibly resisted arrest and non-immediate relatives of suspects. The military also demolishes homes rented out to suspects, whose owners have no connection to whatever triggered the demolition.

See B’Tselem report from November 2004, p. 17

HCJ rules that other than cases of “military-operational needs,” prior warning of an impending home demolition must be issued and occupants must be allowed to challenge the decision before the military commander and, where necessary, the HCJ

According to the ruling, in “urgent cases,” necessitating immediate action, the entrances of a home may be sealed – a reversible action – and demolition should be postponed pending a court ruling. 
HCJ upholds use of Regulation 119 even if the alleged offender rents the home slated for demolition

According to the ruling [H], “Were it to turn out that any sanction can be avoided in advance by the perpetrator of acts of terrorism relying on a rented apartment, the deterring power anticipated from use of said legal provision would be nullified.” 

HCJ revokes punitive demolition order over a flaw in the factual basis underlying a decision to use Regulation 119 of the Defense (Emergency) Regulations

The court accepts, in a majority opinion, a petition against the planned demolition of a suspect’s home, given that some of the facts underlying the military’s decision had been wrong. The court rules the case should be referred for reconsideration by the military commander, stressing: “The decision of a public authority must be rooted in facts and figures which have been properly collected and examined prior to serving as the factual basis for its decision.”

HCJ rules the reasonableness of a decision to issue a punitive demolition order can be measured according to information revealed after the fact as well

The court rules [H] that so long as a demolition order has not been executed, all actions attributed to the suspect, “whether known at the time the order was issued or revealed thereafter,” may be used as justification and grounds for the order.

HCJ lowers the bar for permissible use of Regulation 119 of the Defense (Emergency) Regulations, ruling partial sealing is a proportional response to stone throwing even when there is no damage

The court allows [H] sealing the room of an OPT resident who was twice convicted of throwing stones at a moving vehicle, ruling that given the prevalence of such offenses and the difficulty apprehending the perpetrators, partial sealing does not exceed the proportionality required between the severity of the act and the severity of the response. 

An amendment to military law expands the military commander’s power to use Regulation 119 and fills a legal gap in order to makes it easier for the state to demolish Palestinian homes

Section 5b [H] of the Amended Order regarding Punitive Measures (Judea and Samaria) (No. 332), 5729-1969, stipulates that the military commander may use Regulation 119 inside the OPT with respect to offenses committed outside them. The amendment is an attempt to overcome a legal obstacle that impedes using Regulation 119 against OPT residents when the offense was planned and committed entirely within Israel, which is not under the military commander’s control. 

HCJ revokes punitive demolition order for a home that was not the suspect’s permanent residence

The court revokes a demolition order for a home owned by a man whose teenaged nephew, a resident of the OPT, admitted attacking a suspected collaborator. The court rules that the uncle’s home, where the teen lived temporarily, cannot be seen as the latter’s permanent residence, and therefore, the military commander may not use his power under Regulation 119 in this case. 

In early September 1991, the military issues a demolition order for the home of the boy’s father in Qalandiya Refugee Camp.  

HCJ rules the military commander’s power to demolish a home pursuant to Regulation 119, is not restricted to the specific residential unit occupied by the person in question

According to the ruling [H], the military commander’s authority to demolish a home under Regulation 119 applies to the entire residential building, even when other occupants committed no offense. In a dissenting opinion, Justice Cheshin holds that only the residential unit occupied by the convicted offender should be demolished, otherwise the demolition constitutes collective punishment. However, he does rule that this would not be the case if family members knew of the actions, or “undertook” to turn a blind eye. 

Justice Cheshin: the “spirit” of Regulation 119 has vanished; the Regulation must now be interpreted according to Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty

The HCJ rules that the military commander’s authority to demolish a home pursuant to Regulation 119 extends to parts of the home not used or owned by the suspect but by others, with no need to prove that these occupants participated in the suspect’s actions, encouraged them, or knew about them. Justice Cheshin, in the minority, reaffirms his position that “the military commander does not have the authority to inflict collective punishment,” and proposes demolishing only the parts of the home used by the suspect. Justice Cheshin opines that the basic tenets of a law-abiding democracy, including not harming a person’s property, which appears in Section 3 of Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty, are the values that should provide the spirit by which Regulation 119 is interpreted, not the values of the British Mandate.
Israel demolishes or seals 65 homes in the OPT as a punitive measure for suicide attacks

Following the Oslo Accords, public criticism and HCJ petitions, the number of punitive home demolitions in the West Bank and Gaza Strip declines. In this period, Israel only demolishes the homes of suicide attackers, including if the occupants are relatives of the attacker or their operators.

B’Tselem report from November 2004, p. 17

In a rare step, HCJ orders reducing punitive demolitions due to “proportionality” and “reasonableness”

The Court partly grants [H] a petition filed by the mother of a man convicted of voluntary manslaughter and membership in a hostile organization, against the demolition of her home, where ten members of the family reside. The court finds the demolition of the entire home disproportionate, and hence unreasonable, and orders the sealing of two rooms only, so as to enable the rest of the family to continue living in the house.

Following the Oslo Accords, Israel removes 12 sealings in the West Bank and approves the reconstruction of one demolished home

According to the response of the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories to an inquiry from B’Tselem [H], since the signing of the Oslo Accords, residents of Gaza and Jericho no longer need a pardon from the military in order to remove a sealing or rebuild a home and must contact the Palestinian authorities with respect to such matters.
HCJ upholds demolition of suicide attacker’s home in first ruling to approve collective punishment against relatives of the deceased

An extended panel of five justices dismisses [H] the petitioners’ argument that the assailant’s death obviates the power to demolish his home under Regulation 119 and approves extending demolitions to the family homes of Palestinians who carried out suicide attacks. The four majority justices explain that not targeting the homes of suicide attackers could prevent situations where relatives who live with the attacker and are aware of their plans try to dissuade them from going through with it. In a dissenting opinion, Justice Cheshin opposes the ruling and reaffirms the basic principle whereby “each person shall be liable for his own crimes and each shall be put to death for his own wrongdoing.”

HaMoked to HCJ: Demolishing the homes of assailants’ families constitutes collective punishment, which defies international law and basic tenets of Israeli law

For the first time since its establishment, HaMoked files HCJ petitions on behalf of two families whose homes are subject to military demolition orders: one petition [H] is on behalf of the family of a man arrested for planning an attack against Israelis and the other [H] on behalf of the family of a suicide bomber. One argument HaMoked makes is that the innocent should not be punished, and that the expressed objective of the measure - deterrence - has been proven ineffective. 
HCJ rejects multiple petitions against house demolitions, including those filed by HaMoked on March 10, 1996, ruling demolition orders for the homes of assailants can be suspended and reinstated following attacks against Israelis perpetrated by others

The court hears HaMoked’s petitions together with others, including ones addressing homes of assailants involved in attacks a year or more prior. The demolitions were ordered previously and suspended by the military due to challenges filed by the families. Now, following new attacks perpetrated by others, the military has issued notice of its intent to execute them. 

The judgment states there is no room for the court’s intervention in the military’s discretion with respect to the timing of a previously ordered demolition. In a dissenting opinion, Justice Dorner holds the power to demolish a home may not be exercised over attacks that were not carried out by the person residing in the home. Justice Cheshin, on the other hand, sides with the majority. He attributes his retreat from the principle that “each shall be put to death for his own wrongdoing,” to the limitations of judicial review in a time of war rather than a fundamental change: “In war like in a war: what business does a court have to order a military commander what to do and what not to do? [...] The rule of law shall make its voice heard even when the trumpets of war sound, but let us admit a truth: in such places its sound is like that of the piccolo, clear and pure but drowned out in the bustle.”

Critical commentary on the judgment

HCJ: The Defense (Emergency) Regulations remain valid even if they conflict with the provisions of Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty

The court, nevertheless, rules [H] that the authority granted by the Defence (Emergency) Regulations, 1945 should be interpreted in light of the limitations clause set out in the Basic Law.  

HCJ: The inability to challenge the existence of a deterrent effect is enough to stave off the court’s intervention in the house demolition policy

In a ruling permitting the demolition of a residential apartment in the village of Surif, the court notes it is not possible to determine with absolute certainty that house demolitions are, in fact, effective since, “A study that can show conclusively just how many terrorist attacks have been prevented and how many lives have been saved as a result of house sealings and demolitions has never been conducted and never could be conducted.” Still, the court states there is no reason to doubt security officials’ assessment that a certain measure of deterrence is in fact achieved through house demolitions. 

Justice Cheshin dissents, stressing that the principles of a free, democratic, Jewish state should be read into Regulation 119 of the Defence (Emergency) Regulations: “They shall say no more, the fathers have eaten sour grapes and the children’s teeth are set on edge.” 

Israel de-facto ceases to demolish homes under Regulation 119 of the Defense (Emergency) Regulations

During the second intifada, Israel punitively demolishes 664 homes; about half the homes are demolished only because they are adjacent to the homes of suspected or convicted assailants

In this time, Israel reinstates a policy of demolishing the homes of relatives of Palestinians suspected of involvement in any type of violent activity against Israelis, regardless of the outcome: from suicide attacks with multiple casualties to attacks or attempted attacks that ended without Israeli casualties. The policy is practiced despite Israel’s contention that it is intended to serve as a deterrent in the fight against suicide attacks and other serious attacks. In the vast majority of cases, the military does not issue demolition orders or notify the occupants of the planned demolition ahead of time as required by the HCJ’s ruling. In those years, home demolitions target not just individuals suspected of attacks or attempted attacks, but also individuals suspected of initiating or planning attacks or assisting in their execution.

B’Tselem report from November 2004, pp. 7-8, 17 ;Statistics on B’Tselem’s website

Israeli security cabinet decides to renew house demolition policy

The state’s response [H] in a petition filed by HaMoked regarding the demolition of homes of relatives of suicide attackers indicates the cabinet decision was made nine months after the demolition policy resumed on the ground.

Haaretz story from August 1, 2002

HaMoked to the High Court of Justice: order the military to allow 35 families of suspected assailants to exhaust legal procedures before the demolition of their homes ...

The petitions are filed after the military demolishes nine homes of assailants' families in early August, without providing prior notice or even allowing the families to remove their belongings from the homes. With first news of the military operation, HaMoked sets up a 24/7 hotline for emergency calls on home demolitions.
By the time the petitions are filed, the military has already demolished three of the homes at issue. The petitions seek to compel the military to abide by the judgment of the High Court of Justice issued during the first intifada: prior notice of demolition must be given to allow the families the right to contest the demolition ahead of time, and to rescue their belongings.
Petitions HCJ 6696/02 [H] and HCJ 6738/02 [H]
HCJ: The military may deny the right to a hearing prior to demolition

HaMoked files HCJ petition, asking the court to instruct the military to allow 35 families of suspected assailants to exhaust legal remedies prior to the demolition of their homes and give them enough time to save their belongings, in keeping with the HCJ ruling from the first intifada

The petitions are filed after the military demolished nine homes of assailants’ families in the first four days of August 2002 with no warning whatsoever. By the time the petitions are filed, the military has already demolished three of the homes mentioned in them. 

With first news of the military demolition operation, HaMoked sets up a 24/7 hotline for emergency calls on home demolitions. 

In its judgment, the court rules that the right to a hearing prior to a demolition can be denied if there is cause for concern that such a hearing would jeopardize the lives of soldiers or the success of the operation. The HCJ decision gives the military the power to grant or deny the right to a hearing – not just in wartime operations, but also in punitive actions against civilians.

The military regards this judgment as a blanket approval. Given its contention that prior notification increases the risk that the home would be booby-trapped and the demolition force injured, the military sees no need to revise its practice – which contravenes international law – and unfailingly continues to refrain from issuing demolition orders and granting the occupants the right to a hearing.

HaMoked files nine more HCJ petitions: Order the military to give occupants of homes slated for demolitions the right to a hearing

The petitions concern cases with exceptional circumstances, such as an occupant’s medical condition. The court dismisses the petitions the next day, holding that any family concerned its home might be harmed due to kinship ties to an assailant may contact the military in writing ahead of time to explain its exceptional circumstances.

The judgment is entirely divorced from reality, given how difficult it is to contact the military without legal aid, and all but eliminates the possibility of challenging this matter in court. 

Following a petition by HaMoked, the military undertakes to present a well-supported document from the military legal advisor for the West Bank in decisions to demolish a home without prior hearing

The petition is submitted on behalf of the family of a Hebron resident wanted by the security forces, after they were evicted in the dead of night purportedly in preparation for demolition. 

The HCJ rejects the petition after the military clarifies it has no plans to demolish the home and declares that “going forward, as part of the legal review, the legal advisor for the Area will note, in writing, on the appropriate form, that he considered the possibility of a prior hearing, and what prompted the decision not to hold a hearing in the circumstances of the specific matter.” 

UN Human Rights Committee: Israel violates international law and must immediately cease all punitive home demolitions in the OPT

The Committee condemns the demolition of the family homes of individuals suspected of involvement in terrorist activities and concludes that Israel is violating their rights to housing, equality before the law and protection from inhuman treatment. 

HCJ rules the military must present a written order citing the source of authority and reasons for the decision

In its judgment [H] in HaMoked’s petition, the court reaffirms the obligation to give prior hearing to the families, as far as possible, or, alternatively, to provide a written explanation for a decision to deny such a hearing.

Internal military report finds: No proof home demolitions have a deterring effect

The report is circulated within the military to cap the first 1,000 days of fighting in the second intifada. It states that the number of attacks against Israelis rose a few months after the resumption of the home demolition policy in the West Bank.  

See Amos Harel and Avi Issacharoff, “The Seventh War: How We Won and Why We Lost the War with the Palestinians,” p.163 [H].

Chief of the General Staff Moshe Yaalon appoints a military committee headed by Major General Ehud Shani to review the home demolition policy in the OPT

The committee is appointed following fierce criticism from the international community as well as intensive legal campaigning by HaMoked, including 67 HCJ petitions against punitive demolitions filed between January 2002 and October 2004. The committee is tasked with examining whether house demolitions are legal and effective, both as a deterrent and as a military measure during operational activity.  

Haaretz story from January 2, 2005

Minister of Defense Shaul Mofaz accepts Shani Committee recommendations and decides to cease the use of punitive home demolitions

HaMoked officially discovers this on March 14, 2005 thanks to a Supplementary Notice on behalf of the State [H] in a petition to instruct the military not to demolish the family home of a suspected assailant. 

Haaretz report, February 17, 2005; Ynet report, February 17, 2005 [H]

The key points of the Shani Committee report are disclosed in 2008 in the form of a copy of a digital presentation [H] in proceedings in a petition filed by HaMoked. The military committee recommended ceasing the use of home demolitions as a deterrent, asserting: “the IDF […] cannot tread the line of legality, let alone, the line of legitimacy!!!” [sic].

For roughly four years, Israel ceases punitive house demolitions under Regulation 119 of the Defense (Emergency) Regulations

Contrary to the Shani Committee recommendations, Israel announces plan to demolish the home of an assailant’s family in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Jabal al Mukabber

HCJ approves resumption of punitive house demolition policy: For the first time since 2005, a home is sealed pursuant to Regulation 119 of the Defense (Emergency) Regulations

The HCJ rejects HaMoked’s petition, allowing the military to seal with concrete two floors in a home where the family of an assailant lives in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Jabal al Mukabber. The court describes the permanent sealing as “the same as demolishing the sealed area.”

The court finds no flaw in the state’s decision to reinstate the house demolition policy, given the change of circumstances: “[A]ccording to data produced by the General Security Service, since 2007 there has been a wave of terrorism involving residents of East Jerusalem. The wave of terrorism intensified in 2008. In contrast with the past, a principal characteristic of the current wave of terrorism, besides its extent, is that residents of East Jerusalem perpetrate the terrorist attacks themselves and do not, as in the past, as collaborators for terrorists who are residents of the Area [i.e., the West Bank].”

HCJ continues to legitimize use of Regulation 119, allowing the military to partially demolish an East Jerusalem apartment building owned by an assailant’s father

The ruling states: “The need to deter potential terrorists, who are often swept up in a wave of terrorism that begins with an act by a single person and threatens to sweep others away with it, is evident.”
Jerusalem Magistrates’ Court rejects HaMoked’s civil claim, filed on behalf of the family of a suicide bomber, over substantial property damage caused in the demolition of their home

Five years after the claim [H] is filed, the court rules [H] that the demolition of the family’s home – carried out a year after the suicide attack – constitutes a wartime action, for which, under the Civil Wrongs (Liability of the State) Law, the state is exempt from paying any compensation to the injured parties. The court further determines that the demolition was legal, despite the plaintiffs’ being denied the right to a hearing and the fact that no written demolition order had been issued. The court even finds it acceptable that the family was given 25 minutes to remove their possessions from the home.

Despite the extensive damage caused by the blast – including dead livestock, uprooted fruit trees, destroyed cars and damage to adjacent buildings – the judge finds that: “The Plaintiffs have failed to prove any negligence on the part of the Defendant’s soldiers. On the contrary, they have proven maximum caution [had been exercised], which I hardly think is similarly exercised by any other military in the world.” 

For five years, Israel ceases punitive house demolitions under Regulation 119 of the Defense (Emergency) Regulations

Military retracts plan to demolish the home of a tractor driver who ran over and wounded passersby in Jerusalem, after revelation that he was under the influence of drugs at the time

More than 18 months after HaMoked appealed the plan to demolish the house, the military issues a notice [H] that it accepts the findings of the toxicology report attached to the appeal and has decided to refrain from demolishing the family’s home ex gratia.
Eight years after the military demolished a home in Hebron: Israel will compensate a neighbor whose apartment and possessions were damaged in the uncontrolled blast

In May 2003, the military demolished the fourth-floor apartment of a residential building in Hebron. The blast caused extensive damage to the building. The father of the family living in the apartment directly below, represented by HaMoked, filed a civil claim against the State of Israel [H] over the substantial, unjustified damage to his property caused by the blast of the neighbor’s apartment. In the settlement reached by the parties and endorsed by the court, the state agrees to pay the plaintiff a total of NIS 45,000 in damages.

HCJ permits the demolition of an East Jerusalem home slated for punitive demolition since April 2009

The court rules [H] that the state’s decision to demolish one floor and seal a residential unit in a building belonging to the family of an assailant is “reasonable and proportionate.” However, the court does recommend the state refrain from executing the demolition given “the time that elapsed between the incident and issuance of the order at issue, and since the hearing [of the petition], and the changes in the security situation, insofar as such occurred.” 

The state’s notice in a petition filed by HaMoked some four years later reveals that Minister of Defense Ehud Barak signed a partial pardon on July 5, 2012, revoking the demolition order for the top floor of the building discussed in the previous petition, since the assailant’s parents and sister lived there. The sealing order issued for the unit occupied by the assailant himself remained intact but was never executed.

After a five-year hiatus in punitive house demolitions, Israel announces plans to demolish the home of a suspected assailant. The HCJ rejects a petition filed by HaMoked against the demolition, effectively approving a return to the punitive demolition policy

Following the kidnapping of three Israeli teens in Gush Etzion on June 12, 2014, the state announces its plan to demolish a house belonging to the brother of a Palestinian who carried out an attack about two months earlier, on April 14, 2014. In its ruling of July 1, 2014, the court rejects HaMoked’s claim that the military’s decision is tainted by extraneous considerations, namely, the kidnapping of the three Israeli teens, and holds that the military is entitled to change its policy due to a change in circumstances. 

The apartment was demolished that same night, before dawn on July 2, 2014. 

Haaretz story from June 6, 2014

The High Court of Justice rejects HaMoked’s petition against the demolition of the Idhna home, sanctioning the resumption of the punitive demolition policy ...

The court dismisses the argument that the military’s decision is tainted with extraneous considerations prompted by the abduction of three Israelis, and rules that the military may change its policy due to changing circumstances.
The judgment
HCJ allows the military to demolish three Hebron homes belonging to the families of the individuals suspected of kidnapping and murdering three Israeli teens on June 12, 2014

The court accepts the state’s position that there is a “substantial and urgent need” to deter West Bank residents from committing abduction and murder attacks against Israelis, and rejects the petitions HaMoked filed on behalf of the three families. 

State Attorney’s Office: Power to demolish assailants’ homes will be exercised in “extreme cases”

In response to HaMoked’s letter regarding the resumption of the punitive home demolition policy, the State Attorney’s Office says: “The security establishment is well aware of the ramifications of exercising the power granted under Regulation 119 to demolish the homes of terrorists, and therefore, said power is exercised very prudently.” The State Attorney’s Office states that decisions to use the power has been prompted by “extremely severe” attacks and that “any other case will be examined according to its specific circumstances.”  

Following a succession of attacks against Israelis in Jerusalem and the West Bank, PM Netanyahu instructs military officials to advance demolishing the assailants’ homes

HaMoked leads a public petition by a group of human rights organizations asking the HCJ to instruct the state to stop the illegal practice of punitive house demolitions in the OPT, including East Jerusalem

In the petition, the organizations claim the court should revisit the legality of using Regulation 119, as the merits have not been reviewed since the 1980s, when the two earliest judgments on home demolitions were handed down. 

The petition is supported by an expert opinion authored by leading Israeli experts on international, constitutional and military law. The opinion asserts that the punitive home demolition policy contradicts a fundamental tenet of Israeli law, whereby individuals should not be punished for acts they did not commit and constitutes a grave breach of international humanitarian law, the international law of occupation and international human rights law. The opinion also stresses that in certain circumstances, the home demolition policy may constitute a war crime, legally jeopardizing everyone involved in its implementation. 

HCJ issues order nisi requiring the state to explain why it should not refrain from demolishing an East Jerusalem home

In the case concerning the family home of a Palestinian who shot an Israeli, the court holds that “the considerations as to whether or not the Regulation [119] should be used, consist, inter alia, of the results of the actions,” and as such, the fact that the victim survived the attack and his medical condition is improving is significant in determining the proportionality of the demolition. In this case, the court chooses to ascribe value to the fact that no allegation was made regarding involvement by family members in the attack, or even knowledge of the plan to commit it. In light of this, the court orders the state to provide reasons, once again, why the demolition is required and implies that a partial sealing of the home would be a more proportionate course of action. 

Following the state’s notice that it would seal the room used by the shooter without harming the rest of the home, the court rules on June 15, 2015, that the decision is “moderated” and proportionate, and approves the sealing. 

HCJ dismisses general petition from November 27, 2014 against punitive house demolitions: The state has the power to demolish homes pursuant to Regulation 119 of the Defense (Emergency) Regulations, but must use it proportionally

In the ruling, the court accepts the state’s argument that home demolitions are a deterrent rather than a punitive measure, yet holds that the measure of deterrence actually effected by punitive demolitions should be considered in the future. The court adds it will ask the state to present actual evidence of such a deterrent effect in the future.

On November 12, 2015, the HCJ rejects the motion for a further hearing before an extended panel made by the petitioners. In her decision, President Naor states: “A further hearing is not meant for reconsidering matters that were not considered in the judgment,” and therefore, “is not the appropriate venue for presenting such arguments.”

HCJ: As a rule, once approved by the court, the timing of a punitive demolition is at the military’s discretion

The court dismisses HaMoked’s argument that deterrence cannot serve as a cause for a demolition eight months after the attack that prompted the decision. The court rules that a delay in execution is not a flaw justifying the revocation of a punitive demolition order. 

Amid a string of “lone-wolf” attacks, the Security Cabinet greenlights continuing home demolitions for deterrence

The cabinet affirms the decision, which also prohibits rebuilding a house demolished under Regulation 119 of the Defense (Emergency) Regulations. 

HCJ allows the military to demolish an assailant’s apartment despite his lack of connection to occupants of other apartments in the building. In a dissenting opinion, Justice Vogelman questions the effectiveness and proportionality of using Regulation 119 for deterrence

The court dismisses two petitions filed by HaMoked for the revocation of a demolition order issued for a Hebron apartment, one on behalf of the assailant’s wife and two young children, and the other on behalf of the eight other families living in the same building, given the potential damage to their apartments and belongings. 

The justices note that in the case of unreasonable damage to the neighbors’ apartments, “the possibility of compensation remains open.” On the issue of the amount of time – over nine months – that elapsed between the attack and issuance of the demolition order, the court rules it insufficient to tip the scale. However, for the first time, the judgment includes a normative directive that “insofar as there is an intention to demolish, notification should be given as soon as possible after the criminal act in question.” 

In a dissenting opinion, Justice Vogelman maintains that the delay in exercising the authority calls for an order nisi in the petition of the assailant’s family and suggests that “we re-evaluate judicial precedent so as to fully examine all issues which may arise under domestic and international law.” 

HCJ: Home rented to an assailant for a short time should not be demolished. Where “innocent third parties” may be harmed, the rule should be compensate or repair

The judgment concerns 11 petitions (10 of them filed by HaMoked) against plans to demolish six family homes of Palestinian attackers or suspected attackers; six petitions on behalf of the targeted families and five on behalf of neighbors or landlords. 

The court rules that the classified material presented by the state fails to indicate damaging the home of a person without kinship or other ties to the assailant and his family produces deterrence. The court also rules, for the first time, that in cases where the assailant and his family lived in a rented home on a short-term basis – which does not produce a strong “residency tie” to the home – the demolition is disproportionate, given that the landlord would sustain most of the damage. Therefore, the justices rule that a Silwad apartment leased to the family of a suspected assailant for a year would not be demolished, subject to the eviction of the family. 

The HCJ elects not to intervene in the decision to demolish the other five housing units, but rules that should any collateral damage occur, the state would have to repair it or provide compensation to any injured party who is not related to the assailant or suspect and did not know about his plans. Compensation and repair are warranted even when there was no negligence on the part of the security forces. 

In the five years after this ruling, the state reduces the use of explosives for the purpose of home demolitions, adopting more careful methods (demolition using mechanical engineering equipment, manual demolition of the internal partitions in the house, etc.), in order to avoid demands for compensation. 

HCJ orders the revocation of a punitive demolition order due to significant delay in issuance - some 11 months

By a majority of two to one, the HCJ accepts HaMoked’s petition to order the military to refrain from demolishing a home in Askar Refugee Camp in Nablus. Justice Mazuz rules that “refraining from using the authority soon after the incident is a decision not to use the authority; and therefore, after a significant period of time has elapsed – and particularly amid new and different circumstances – the military commander may not turn back time and decide to employ the sanction for the original incident.” Justice Zylbertal, on the other hand, holds the order should be revoked, not due to a lack of authority, but because the authority was exercised unreasonably. Justice Zylbertal believes that “use of the power almost a year after [the attacker’s] murderous acts would, in any case, fail to achieve the desired, legitimate, deterrent effect.” 

Following this ruling, Israel stops the practice of issuing demolition orders long after the attack. Dozens, if not hundreds, of homes where Palestinian assailants once lived are saved from demolition. 

Justice Mazuz: Renewed use of Regulation 119 of the Defense (Emergency) Regulations in the OPT raises serious questions, not just with respect to international law, but Israeli law as well

The HCJ dismisses HaMoked’s petition against the military’s decision to demolish a Nablus home where a suspect in the planning of an attack lived. Dissenting Justice Mazuz notes that the finding that home demolitions under Regulation 119 are a deterrent rather than punitive measure is “not free of doubts,” as is the finding that this regulation is valid as a provision of domestic law, which trumps international law. Justice Mazuz also notes that an examination of Regulation 119 according to the rules of Israeli administrative and constitutional law might require introducing restrictions and qualifications for its use, including:

·         A distinction between a home which is the home and property of the assailant and a home in which the assailant is an “additional resident,” such as the home of their parents;

·         A distinction between homes actively used for the assailant’s criminal acts, and homes used only as the assailant’s residence;

·         A distinction between cases in which the assailant’s family members, living in the home slated for demolition, were accomplices in his acts, and cases in which the family members were not even aware of the assailant’s plans;

·         Restrictions on the timing of the order’s issuance and execution; 

·         A distinction between cases in which use of Regulation 119 must be subject to a criminal conviction, and cases where this is either unnecessary or impossible;

·         Proper correlation between the severity of the acts and the severity of the sanction (seizure only; sealing – partial or complete; demolition – partial or complete).

Justice Mazuz: The onus of substantiating the facts that support targeting a residence under Regulation 119 lies entirely with the state

The HCJ dismisses HaMoked’s petitions against the military’s decision to demolish two homes in Jabal al-Mukabber, East Jerusalem, where the families of two Palestinians who carried out attacks in the city live. One of the assailants witnessed the punitive demolition of his cousin’s home a week before carrying out his own attack. 

Dissenting Justice Mazuz repeats his principled position that “a sanction directed to harm innocent people, cannot be upheld.” Referring to one of the petitions, where the identification of the assailant’s apartment has been called into question, Mazuz stresses that in cases involving a serious impingement of constitutional rights, the level of proof required of the state is “clear, conclusive and compelling evidence” [emphasis in original].

HCJ: The principle of proportionality which restricts the military commander’s discretion in issuing demolition orders, applies to the duration of the confiscation of the structure, including the land on which it stood, subsequent to the demolition

In a judgment upholding the punitive demolition of a cooperative-owned home in Surda, the HCJ rules that if, after a certain time, an application is submitted to pardon the structure’s confiscation for the purpose of rebuilding, it must be considered according to the principle of proportionality. 

Justice Zylbertal: any decision to use Regulation 119 should be made only after the exhaustive collection of administrative evidence

The HCJ rules by majority opinion that an incident in which a Palestinian ran over a Border Police officer, killing him, was a terrorist attack rather than a car accident, and approves the demolition of the family home in Hebron. 

In a dissenting opinion, Justice Zylbertal finds the military had not made enough effort to collect evidence that could shed a different light on the case. Justice Zylbertal remarked that given the severity of the measure, weight must also be given to an evidentiary “deficit” that could have been filled.

HCJ upholds punitive demolition of Hebron home by majority vote. Justices Vogelman and Mazuz favor revisiting case law

Justice Vogleman, concurring, writes he has been “strengthened” in his “position that the weighty questions associated with the exercise of the power by virtue of Regulation 119 should be re-visited [...] However, for as long as case law stands [...] I see no alternative in this case but to hold that there is no cause for our intervention [...].” Justice Mazuz, who, in a dissenting opinion, finds the petition should be granted, joins the call for an extended panel to reconsider issues of principle related to the use of the Regulation.
HCJ permits the demolition of three homes in Qabatiyah in a majority decision: Justice Joubran, dissenting, joins the call for an extended panel to revisit the issue of punitive demolitions

Justice Joubran notes that he has not been convinced that the classified material the state presented during the hearing sufficiently supports the conclusion that use of home demolitions creates substantive, effective deterrence against future attacks. In the judgment, Justice Joubran writes: “In my view, an abstract possibility to save lives does not suffice while confronted by actual, real and tangible violation of the right to property and human dignity.”

HCJ revokes punitive demolition order due to an insufficient residency tie between the suspect, a student who was living in dorms, and his parents’ home, slated for demolition

By a majority of two – with President Naor dissenting – the HCJ grants HaMoked’s petition to instruct the military to refrain from demolishing a home in Qarawat Bani Hassan, Salfit District, where the parents and siblings of a student suspected of involvement in an attack reside.

Justice Mazuz rules that since the suspect has lived in student dorms for the past three years, he cannot be considered a “resident” in the parents’ home and as such, the military is not competent to demolish the home under Regulation 119. Justice Mazuz also rules that even if the student could have been considered a “resident” in the home, the decision to demolish it would not have met the tests of proportionality and reasonableness, given the family’s lack of involvement and the lack of connection between the home and the attack in question.

Justice Baron, on the other hand, finds the student does have a residency tie to the home, albeit “weakened,” and chooses to focus on the question of the family’s involvement in the son’s actions in her assessment of the proportionality of the decision to demolish the home. Justice Baron holds that the weakened residency tie in this case indicates that even constructive knowledge (“turning a blind eye”) of the son’s plans cannot be ascribed to the family, and therefore the decision to demolish the home is disproportionate and must be revoked.

HCJ rules military’s decision to seal three homes in East Jerusalem is disproportionate: the severity of the measure does not correlate to the severity of the act ascribed to the defendants

The HCJ accepts three of four petitions filed by HaMoked against the military’s decision to seal the homes of four families from Sur Bahir, whose members were accused of involvement in a rock-throwing attack, in which an Israeli civilian was killed. 

The court rules that in the case of the person suspected of having thrown the rock, the measure was proportionate, but not so in the case of the families of the other three, who took part in the incident but did not throw the rock that caused the death. In a dissenting opinion, Justice Vogelman rules there is room to consider confining the sealing to the room occupied by the family member who threw the rock that caused the death, explaining that though he is alleged to have thrown the “lethal rock,” no “intent to kill” is ascribed to him. Justice Vogelman also notes that since the family had no involvement, the sealing of the entire home cannot be considered proportionate. 

UNRWA: Punitive demolition of homes inside UN refugee camps in the OPT is inhuman and a blatant violation of international law and Palestinian refugees’ human rights Palestinian

In a position paper submitted to the state in an HCJ petition filed by HaMoked, UNRWA condemns Israel’s decision to demolish two homes in Qalandiya Refugee Camp. 

The HCJ ignores UNRWA’s position, and, on June 14, 2016, permits [H] the demolition of the homes.

HaMoked to HCJ: It is time for an extended panel to revisit the legality of using Regulation 119

In an HCJ petition against a punitive demolition order issued for a Qabatiyah home, HaMoked requests a hearing before an extended panel on the issues of principle connected to punitive demolitions. HaMoked notes HCJ justices increasingly voice reservations about the use of Regulation 119 – some criticizing the demolition policy outright, while others consider themselves bound by existing case law, fearful that a departure from it would turn this “court of justice” to a “court of justices”. This judicial conformity, on one hand, and the increased use of Regulation 119 on the other, result in the demolition of scores of family homes.

Haaretz op-ed, April 4, 2016 [H]

On May 2, 2016, the HCJ denies the request. President Naor writes: “I have not been persuaded that there is at present instability in the case law to such a degree as warrants the expansion of the panel.” 

Military retracts plan to demolish a home in the village of Beit ‘Ur a-Tahta, after it turns out it was a rental the assailant’s family had vacated some time ago

The response [H] to an objection filed on behalf of the homeowners by the Jerusalem Legal Aid and Human Rights Center reads: “Having reviewed the details provided in the objection, the military commander has decided that there is no room for use of the authority in the case at hand.” This retraction is a result of an HCJ judgment from November 12, 2015, which established that the demolition of a home on short-term lease from a nonrelated person is disproportionate and has not been proven to be a deterrent.

HCJ issues order nisi in two petitions filed by HaMoked: The case of suspects in outer circle of perpetrators warrants further review

The court rules that expanding the use of Regulation 119 towards indirect perpetrators is not a simple matter and requires in-depth review, both in terms of the factual basis and in terms of proportionality. 
HaMoked: The practice of surveying Palestinian homes with no intention of using Regulation 119 is clearly a measure of intimidation against innocents and the military must end it immediately

Following communications from HaMoked, the military stops this wrongful practice.

For further details

HCJ: The principle of proportionality requires refraining from demolishing an entire home when it is possible to make a “clear distinction” between the part used as the perpetrator’s dwelling and the parts used by his family

In a unanimous judgment upholding two punitive demolition orders – one of them partial – the court stresses that “the principles of reasonableness and proportionality should be meticulously adhered to even when a severe and deadly attack is concerned,” and if the residential unit occupied by the assailant can be isolated from the other units in the structure, that unit alone should be demolished.

See also the judgments in HCJ 5614/16 [H], HCJ 2270/22  and HCJ 7788/22

HCJ: Regulation 119 can be used against individuals “indirectly” involved in an attack only if their actions are proven to have had a decisive effect on the “attack’s materializing”

In a judgment given in HaMoked’s petition, the court revokes a demolition order, unanimously finding the state had not laid down a sufficient evidentiary basis for using Regulation 119.

In the case of another demolition order, also considered in the judgment, the court rules that the occupant’s involvement in the attack was central and significant and that his actions had met the “high severity level,” sufficient for triggering the power granted under Regulation 119. Justice Baron, in a dissenting opinion, rules the demolition order should be revoked in this case as well, given that the family was not involved in the suspect’s actions either directly, indirectly or “constructively” (i.e. by “turning a blind eye”). In these circumstances, she stresses “the demolition of the home constitutes a disproportionate violation of human rights of the highest order”.

Compare with the judgment in HCJ 8031/16 [H]

A public spectacle: The police allow the parents of a woman killed in an attack to attend the punitive sealing of the assailant’s family home

Following HaMoked’s complaint regarding this improper and distasteful step, the state undertakes not to approve further requests by victims’ families to watch the execution of demolition or sealing orders. 

Video clip from the Arutz Sheva website, March 22, 2017

HCJ rejects petition to demolish the family homes of Jewish assailants, stating “the measure at hand is a deterrent not a punitive measure”

The court dismisses a petition filed by a Palestinian family requesting it to instruct the demolition of the homes of three Israeli Jews who burned a family member, Muhammad Abu Khdeir, to death in July 2014. The grounds for the dismissal is the considerable delay between the murder and the filing of the petition.

In principle, the justices reject the state’s position that there is no need to employ the home demolition measure against Jewish assailants. However, the court does rule that “given the difficulties arising from the exercise of the authority under Regulation 119, and with deterrence being the only justification for exercising it, it would not seem right to extend it to other attribution groups, regarding whom, even the state considers it unnecessary at this stage.”

Justice Mazuz: Refraining from employing the Regulation 119 sanction against innocent family members does not contradict the deterrence purpose but is rather congruent with it

The HCJ approves [H] the demolition of one floor in a three-story building in Beit Sourik, in part because it has been persuaded that the assailant lived there alone prior to the attack: “In the circumstances at hand, this is not a matter of demolishing the family members’ place of residence but of monetary damage, and there is no concern that the petitioners would remain without a roof over their heads.” 

Justice Mazuz, in a dissenting opinion, holds that as the assailant had been killed and given the family’s lack of involvement in his actions, the demolition order should be revoked, which would create an incentive to prevent attacks when the intention to carry them out is known.”

Military retracts plan to demolish the home of a Palestinian who had stabbed a man to death in Jerusalem due to evidence the assailant had mental illness

The response to the objection filed by HaMoked on behalf of the family reads: “Having considered all the circumstances of the matter [...] it was decided not to order the demolition of the terrorist’s home.” 

Haaretz story, September 6, 2018

Proceedings in petition against the punitive demolition of a home in Shweikah reveal assailant’s will mentions punitive demolitions as one of the motives for the attack

On this issue, Justice Barak-Erez writes in the judgment [H]: “I personally find it troubling that the will left by the assailant in this case mentions ‘house demolitions’ as one of the motives underlying his lethal decision, rather than as a deterring factor.” Nonetheless, the HCJ rejects HaMoked’s claim that it is questionable whether the extreme measure of home demolition is effective as a deterrent, and allows the military to demolish the home.

Justice Karra: Expansion of a demolition order to achieve enhanced deterrence is an aberrant step that is both unreasonable and disproportionate

In a judgment [H] delivered in a petition against a plan to demolish an entire four-story residential building in al-Am’ari Refugee Camp, the HCJ accepts the military’s position, despite the fact that the military first told the family it would demolish only the first and fourth stories, to which the assailant had distinct residential ties, and leave the other two stories unharmed.

In a dissenting opinion, Justice Karra, holds that the decision to expand the scope of the demolition fails to meet the tests of proportionality and reasonableness, especially as it relies on a confiscation and demolition order issued for the building back in 1990. Justice Karra concludes that: “The authority [pursuant to Regulation 119] must be used in a degree that does not exceed the necessary, with the chosen measure causing the least injury possible for attaining the purpose,” and determines that only two floors should be demolished.

Justice Karra: The age of an assailant who is a minor should be taken into account when considering use of Regulation 119

The HCJ allows the demolition of the top floor in the family home of a 16-year-old Palestinian who stabbed a man to death at the Gush Etzion. The teen carried out the attack out of a desire to ruin his family after he had quarreled with them. The court rejects HaMoked’s argument that the young age of the stabber should feature in the assessment of both the severity ascribed to the actions and the deterrent effect.

Justice Karra, in the minority, maintains the demolition order should be revoked: “The issuance of a demolition order for the entire residential apartment by the military commander, without restricting it to the room in which the assailant had lived, shows that no weight was given to the assailant’s minor age and motives.”

Justice Karra: Disproportionately harming the property of family members who did nothing wrong, did not support and disavowed their relative’s actions constitutes collective punishment that might achieve the opposite of deterrence

The HCJ dismisses a petition against the military’s decision to demolish two units in a residential building in Hebron - one was the current residence of an assailant accused of assaulting and murdering a young Jewish woman and his parents, and the other his future residence. 

Justice Karra, in a dissenting opinion, holds that special weight must be given to the fact that the parents expressed clear disavowal of their son’s actions and asked that their son should face the full weight of the law; and holds that the demolition should be limited to the accused man’s apartment only.

HCJ revokes punitive demolition order due to excessive delay, citing doubts about its deterring impact. The order was issued more than five months after the attack and some six weeks after the homes of accomplices were demolished

By a majority of two to one, the HCJ orders the military to refrain from demolishing one story in a residential building in Beit Kahil, Hebron District, since the demolition order was issued more than three months after the indictment was served and about five months from the time of the attack. Justice Baron holds: “The elapsed time severs the ‘mental link’ between the murder and the sanction imposed as a result, such that even at the time of issuance, its deterring effect was doubtful. In the absence of a deterrent effect, the demolition order appears to be purely punitive, and as such, it is unreasonable and disproportionate.” The justice goes on to state that since the relatives living in the home had no involvement in the attack, either in real time or after the fact, “there is genuine concern that the order serves as a purely punitive sanction.”

Justice Vogelman maintains the delay in exercising the authority causes prejudice to the personal interests of the occupants living in the home, who are left under a shroud of uncertainty with respect to the roof over their heads, as well as the public interest in deterrence, and as such, disrupts the balance between the alleged deterrent benefit and the impingement on the petitioners’ rights.

HCJ rules military’s decision to demolish the apartment of a family of nine disproportionate: Those who have done no wrong must not be punished for the actions of others. The court does allow replacing the full demolition with a partial sealing

In a majority opinion, the HCJ accepts[u1]  HaMoked’s petition to order the military to refrain from demolishing an entire floor of a residential building in Ya’bad, Jenin District. A block was thrown from the home’s roof, killing an Israeli soldier. 

Justices Mazuz and Karra both note that while there is a clear connection between the action and the unit slated for demolition, the measure would mostly harm the wife and children, who are not alleged to have any involvement in the father’s actions. In the circumstances, the demolition order should be revoked, without prejudice to the military commander’s competency to replace the demolition with sealing the room used by the father. 

The two justices repeat their principled position that using the authority under Regulation 119 raises a range of difficult legal questions that have not yet been adequately addressed in jurisprudence; hence, there is room to have these questions revisited by an extended panel of the court.  

The state claims the judgment made new law, whereby if an assailant’s relatives had no involvement in the actions, the injury caused by demolishing their home is disproportionate and that in such cases, the demolition should be, at the very least, reduced. Given this position, the state requests a further hearing [H] of the matter. In its response to the arguments made by the state [H] HaMoked states it insists that any further hearing would be comprehensive and address all issues related to the use of Regulation 119. On October 8, 2020, the HCJ dismisses the state’s request [H]. President Hayut states the majority decision “is confined to the specifics of the individual case before them” and should not be considered new law. 

Justice Mazuz: “A sanction directed at harming innocent people cannot be upheld.”

In a judgment upholding the demolition of a home in Rujeib, Justice Mazuz, in a dissenting opinion, repeats his principled position that home demolitions should not be used where relatives are not suspected of any involvement in, knowledge of or support for the assailant’s actions either ahead of time or after the fact.

Justice Baron: “I did not find a basis for a positive finding that the use of Regulation 119 does, in fact, achieve substantial deterrence against terrorist acts and perhaps even the opposite.”

In a majority opinion, the HCJ approves the demolition of two floors in the family home of an assailant from the village of Turah al-Gharbiyah. In a dissenting opinion, Justice Baron maintains no intervention is warranted in the demolition of the story used only by the assailant, but the other floor, used as a residence by his wife and their three minor children, who are not suspected of any involvement in the attack either ahead of time or after the fact, should not be demolished. Justice Baron also expresses doubt about the measure of deterrence produced by house demolitions. In the Justice’s opinion, this state of affairs has a direct impact on the assessment of a demolition’s proportionality in each individual case.

See also the dissenting opinion of Justice Baron in HCJ 4359/22 [H] and HCJ 1374/23

Justice Karra: It is time to reconsider the professional validity of the opinions submitted to the court by security officials in house demolition cases

The HCJ approves, by majority opinion, the demolition of a fourth-floor unit in a five-story building in Shu’fat Refugee Camp. In a dissenting opinion, Justice Karra maintains that justifying demolishing the home of a woman and her minor children, who knew nothing of the attack, requires clear evidence showing the demolition will lead to deterrence. In the absence of such evidence, the decision to demolish the unit is unreasonable and disproportionate and should be revoked.

See also Justice Karra’s dissenting opinion in HCJ 564/22

Justice Kabub calls to avoid complete demolitions of assailants’ homes where family members who did not assist them in their actions reside

The HCJ approves the demolition of a home in the village of Rummanah by majority opinion. Justice Kabub dissents, stating the serious impingement on the rights of uninvolved family members tips the scale, outweighing opposing considerations of deterrence.

See also, Justice Kabub’s dissenting opinion in HCJ 2036/23 [H], where he notes that his remarks concerning house demolitions are even more relevant in the case of a residential unit in a shared building and suggests the “officials in charge” introduce a practicable, accessible compensation process.

Military retracts plan to demolish Jerusalem home due to “dual residency ties,” and the assailant’s mental health history

Following a petition filed by HaMoked, the military announces [H] it will remove the temporary sealing of openings carried out in a house belonging to the parents of a Palestinian who ran over and killed three Israelis and will not use Regulation 119. The response says: “The inquiry led to the conclusion that the terrorist has a mental health history and a dual residency tie - to his parents’ home and another apartment, while the law requires a clear residency tie be indicated.”

Justice Ronnen: “There is value in describing the legal position of various justices, in a manner that may, in the future, justify a revisitation of the weighty questions underlying these types of petitions”

In a unanimous judgment [H] upholding the demolition of a residential unit in the village of Ni’lin due to a family member’s participation in an attack, Justice Ronnen expresses reservations about expanding the use of Regulation 119 of the Defence (Emergency) Regulations, noting she shares the view that the case law on this issue should be reconsidered by an extended panel. Nevertheless, in the specific case, Justice Ronnen focuses on proportionality and discretion, arriving at the conclusion that: “Considerable weight should be given to the fact that the father, the person with title to the residence and in whose home the rest of the family live, is a Hamas operative and that he expressed clear support for his son’s actions and for terrorism in general after the fact.”

HCJ approves demolition of Jerusalem home belonging to the parents of a 13-year-old boy who stabbed a Border Police officer: “The issue here is not punishing the offender [...] but deterring the public, particularly parents - the parents of potential terrorists”

In the judgment [H], the court rejects HaMoked’s argument that the demolition order is disproportionate given the stabber’s age and the fact that the stab wounds were not the cause of death, but rather shots fired by a security guard at the scene. The judgment also states the parents can be culpable for “lack of parental supervision over their son’s actions.” 

In a dissenting opinion, Justice Vogelman maintains the boy’s age at the time the act was carried out should be given weight and that sealing his room would suffice: “Where the assailant’s age is closer to the age of criminal responsibility - the presumption that he acts rationally and not impulsively is not without question.”

Israel continues the arbitrary, shifting policy of punitive home demolitions, which defies international law

From July 2014, when the house demolition policy resumed, to October 2023, the military demolished 84 homes in the West Bank (nine of them in East Jerusalem). In that time, the military sealed 11 homes (five of them in East Jerusalem) - all by virtue of Regulation 119 of the Defense (Emergency) Regulations. During that same period, following petitions, the vast majority of which were filed by HaMoked, the HCJ revoked eight punitive demolition orders. In each of these cases, judicial review centered around reasonableness and proportionality.

The justices of Israel’s High Court of Justice do recognize that the policy raises “difficult questions,” including whether it is legal or moral and how effective a deterrent it is. Yet, most of them avoid deliberating these questions, claiming case law is binding and no departure from it is possible without a change in the “legal climate.” There are exceptions, however, justices who consistently challenge case law, both in terms of the legal basis and with respect to whether Regulation 119 is used reasonably or proportionally, and call for its use to be revisited.